Here are some of the most common questions we are asked by parents. If we haven't answered your question please don't hesitate to contact us.
What is a Speech and Language Therapist and who do you see?
Speech and Language Therapists assess, diagnose and treat people with speech, language, communication and swallowing problems. At Communication Station we specialise in working with children with a variety of speech, language and communication difficulties including attention and listening,, understanding, expressive languages *putting words into sentences) speech sounds and social communication difficulties. When working with children we work closely with their parents and school or nursery.
What is the difference between Independent SALT and NHS?
NHS therapy is free whereas Independent therapists charge for their time. However, we tend to have no waiting lists so are able to see children quicker, more frequently and at a convenient time and location for you (e.g. at home). Once children are school-aged, many NHS services offer a consultative service, liaising with teaching staff and setting targets. At Communication Station we can continue to offer direct therapy to school-aged children who require more intensive input.
My child has been referred to NHS SALT but there is a long wait. Can you see my child in the meantime?
Absolutely, referrals to NHS therapy can often take months. As an independent practice we can usually see your child within 2 weeks of initial contact for an initial assessment and begin supporting your child as soon as possible. We know early intervention is key in supporting speech, language and communication difficulties, especially in the early years.
Can my child receive input from Speech Leap and NHS SALT?
Yes, we have a background of working within the NHS so are keen to work alongside your NHS therapist to provide the best consistent intervention for your child. Independent therapy is as well as NHS not instead of so you won't loose your place with your NHS service.
Where will you see my child?
We will usually see your child at home initially to allow us to see your child in a familiar environment and do a full case history. Therapy can take place in any location (home, nursery, school etc)
If we haven't answered your questions please don't hesitate to contact us.